
Bessmertnyi criticized the "Medvedchuk’s plan" on "transitional government" in Donbass 03/14/2016 22:44:09. Total views 1156. Views today — 2.

The idea of ​​establishing in the occupied areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions administrations headed by figures that satisfy Kiev and Moscow is unacceptable and inappropriate. This was stated by the representative of Ukraine in the political subgroup of the Trilateral contact group on the resolution of the situation in Donbass Roman Bessmertnyi on the air of Radio Svoboda on Monday, - informs Interfax-Ukraine.

According to him, he does not take serious the information on the so-called "Medvedchuk’s plan" to establish in certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions administrations headed by figures that satisfy Kiev and Moscow.

"We have become hostages of such high-profile names. I remember "Morel’s plan","Medvedchuk’s plan"... No "Morel’s plan", there will be no "Medvedchuk's plan". Don’t you see that if there is Vladimir Putin, on one hand, and Petro Poroshenko, on the other hand, we can talk about "plans" neither of Medvedchuk nor of Morel at all,"- he said.

R.Bessmertnyi noted that there was "layering of some moments that due to certain circumstances were artificially imposed on one another and then submitted to the public."

"And we are talking about the appointment of two persons. This event lasts more than six months. Today's two-week-old initiative about the so-called possible introduction into Zakharchenko’s surrounding someone from one side (from Ukrainian – Ed.) and introduction into Zhebrivskyi’s surrounding someone from there (from the so-called "DPR" - Ed.). Then remind the phrase about possible transitional administration. Here is the imposition of these processes on one another," - he explained.

I'm not talking about that Mr. Medvedchuk’s "shuttle chat" with one and tanother president simply needs the existence of such legends," - added R.Bessmertnyi.

In addition, he pointed out that the role of V.Medvedchuk as a member of the subgroup on the humanitarian exchange of illegally detained persons is very important, but, in his opinion, it does not mean that it is limited to this function in the dialogue with the Presidents of Ukraine and Russia.

Earlier, the representative of the Ukrainian side in the humanitarian subgroup of the contact group, Russian President’s kum Viktor Medvedchuk in an interview with the largest periodical of Spain El Pais suggested to establish a "transitional government", in his words, in "the self-proclaimed administration formations" that are acceptable to both sides, which will be conduct recovery and development of the region.

Medvedchuk also noted that the leaders of the militants should leave Ukraine and move to Moscow, if they do not want reconciliation.