
People are encouraged to write "anonymous denunciations" on disgraced militant Khodakovsky in the "DPR" 03/11/2016 21:45:20. Total views 1203. Views today — 0.

The so-called authorities of the "DPR" offer residents to write anonymous letters about the "misconduct" of former Secretary of "National Security Council of the DPR" militant Alexander Khodakovsky, - reported the separatist "DPR" website.

"People’s statements received via email of the Interim Commission of Misconduct Investigation with possible involvement of Alexander Khodakovsky will remain anonymous," – said the statement.

Residents are also urged to send "copies of documents, audio or video recordings, photographs" militating against him.

Earlier the so-called Interim Committee of the People's Council of the DPR was created in the "DPR" to investigate circumstances of the facts of misappropriation of property with the involvement of Alexander Khodakovsky.

Earlier Alexander Khodakovsky describedhow terrorist Vostok battalion that he created was marauding in occupied Donbass.

"How was our economic base formed? No one was going to give anything to us, we could expect help from nowhere, and needs were growing as tasks got complicated. The first thing we encountered was lack of fuel. We went to Oktyaberskiy (village on the contact line), opened the tank with fuel residues at the abandoned gas station, pumped them and later started practicing it with other abondoned ones," - said the leader and creator of Vostok.

According to him, then militants’ needs started to grow even more and they decided to approach the problem "radically" – muscle in on some "carriages of liquefied gas under fire in Yasinovataya".

"We sold out gas and spent the money on the purchase of fuel in Russia", - he said.

At the same time militants took control of the abandoned gas stations, through which they began selling the fuel and spent the received money on their own needs.

"Then there were other needs ... we needed money extremely, and got it in every possible way. Some hard-noses abandoned carriages – we started to cut them, plugging holes," - admitted militant.

Khodakovsky Alexander is a former employee of the SSU, since the first days of the Russian hybrid war against Ukraine he broke the oath and became one of the leaders of Donbass terrorists. In the struggle for power and control over cash flows he was in confrontation with the so-called "head of the DPR" Alexander Zakharchenko.