
Occupiers of "DNR" recognize 174 fatal cases of COVID-19 09/18/2020 17:08:36. Total views 778. Views today — 0.

Occupiers of the "DNR" have confirmed 2951 cases of COVID-19 infection in the occupied territory of Donetsk region in the morning of September 18. Of these, there are 174 lethal cases. This is said in the report of the so-called "Ministry of Health of the DNR".

The death rate is 5.89%.

The occupiers also registered 43 new cases of coronavirus disease over the past day and reported three deaths from COVID-19 over the day of September 17. "3 deaths were registered – men aged 66 and 60 years and a woman aged 79", - the report says.

The occupiers focus on the cases of COVID-19, which were allegedly confirmed in those who cross the line of demarcation from the free territory of Ukraine. So, it is reported that as of today, coronavirus infection was allegedly detected in 131 people who arrived from Ukraine, starting from June 25, 2020.