
Tuesday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 09/16/2020 12:00:00. Total views 853. Views today — 0.

Situation in the area of ​​the Joint Forces Operation on September 15 remained under control, - the JFO headquarters reported. One violation of the agreements was recorded on the part of the enemy: a MEVIK-type UAV penetration with crossing the demarcation line was recorded in the area of Vodiane settlement. Our means of electronic warfare suppressed the enemy's drone, which made its further use impossible. In addition, one soldier from the Joint Forces was blown up by an unknown explosive device during the engineering work not far from the settlement of Vodiane in Pryazovia. The soldier was moderately wounded, he was evacuated to a hospital. Two more servicemen were also injured in the area of ​​the settlement of Shumy of the Donetsk oblast at about 11.40 as a result of the explosion of an RGD-5 type grenade, set, apparently, in the form of a tripwire. Both wounded were taken to a hospital in Toretsk, their condition is stable.

Occupation authorities of the "DNR" refuse to carry out an exchange of prisoners until the Verkhovna Rada excludes the mention of Russia as an aggressor and the need to restore control over the border from the resolution on local elections. This was said in the statement of Natalia Nikonorova, who calls herself "Minister of Foreign Affairs". This way she commented on the words of head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak, who announced discussion at the next meeting of the Contact Group on the preparation of an exchange of detainees according to the formula 100 to 100. A spokesman for the occupation authorities called the exchange idea "a senseless doubletalk".

Occupiers of the "DNR" registered five deaths of coronavirus infection and 24 new COVID-19 infections over the past day. This was said in the report of the so-called "Ministry of Health of the DNR". "5 deaths were registered over the past day - a man at the age of 79 and women at the age of 58, 57, 87 and 70", - the report said. In total, as of the morning of September 15, the occupation authorities confirmed 2848 cases of coronavirus infection, of which 163 were fatal.

Occupation authorities in the "DNR" stated a 25% increase in the average monthly wage. But if we compare it with the free part of the region, it remains more than two times lower. So, according to the so-called "Ministry of Economic Development of the DNR", the average monthly salary of full-time employees in January-July 2020 compared to the corresponding period of 2019 increased by 25% and amounted to $200. It was also stated that the real wage index (taking into account changes in consumer prices) was 116% in January-July 2020 to January-July 2019. According to the Main Department of Statistics in the Donetsk oblast, the average nominal wage of one full-time employee of enterprises, institutions, organizations and their separate subdivisions (with the number of employees – 10 or more people) of the Donetsk oblast (excluding part of the temporarily occupied territory) in July 2020 was $467. Let us also note that the average monthly salary of miners in the coal industry of the region in the first half of 2020 amounted to $522.

Two medical institutions in occupied Donetsk were left without MRI devices. This was announced by creator of the terrorist Vostok Battalion Alexander Khodakovsky. He writes that there is no money for the restoration of this medical equipment, important for the residents. "I do not know the details, - why? - Therefore, I do not want to reproach and accuse anyone without furnishing any proof, but two of our leading medical institutions were left without MRI devices. The Donetsk Clinical Territorial Medical Association lost two devices at once, and the republican trauma center - one. Now everyone who needs close examination rushes in search of the remaining opportunities in the DNR. To be precise, the cause of the malfunction is clear - it is not yet clear why money is not allocated for the repair or replacement", - Khodakovsky wondered. In his opinion, this is an indicative situation of the crisis in the management of occupation administration in the city. "…People have troubles with money now, so there were long lines for free tomography. Apparently, the resource has come to an end. But exactly such situations show whether we are still living, or are already living out…", - Khodakovsky complained.

There was a large fire in a two-story apartment building of occupied Horlivka, - the so-called "Ministry of Emergency Situations of the DNR" reported. The fire injured two people who were hospitalized. The incident occurred in the Kalininsky district of the city. "The fire destroyed 600 square meters of roofing, 40 square meters of flooring, a wooden flight of stairs and one window unit", - the report said.

The occupiers began to do a paid-for test for coronavirus infection at the Olenivka checkpoint when crossing the demarcation line in the Donetsk oblast, - separatist media reported. The occupiers do not report the price of the test, but there is information in social networks about the amount of $23. Citizens who did not do the test when crossing the checkpoint were sent to medical institutions for observation on September 14. There were 26 of them.

Luhanskvoda, controlled by the "LNR" militants, suspended water supply to Rovenky and parts of the Dovzhansk district due to repairs on the main water pipeline, separatist media wrote. Residents of Rovenky, as well as of the settlements of the Dovzhansk district – Pavlivka and Volodarsk urban-type settlements, Nahirne and Medvezhanka villages were left without water supply. In addition, a number of villages in the occupied Luhansk region were left without water supply - Annenka, Sabivka, Hlybokyi, Novyi and Almaznyi.