
"DNR" admits three deaths from coronavirus over the day day, "LNR" – only one 09/08/2020 13:40:18. Total views 729. Views today — 0.

Three people with COVID-19 have died in the occupied territory of Donetsk region over the past day, - the so-called "DNR Ministry of Health" reported.

"Three deaths were registered – men aged 90 and 66 years and a woman aged 90 years", - the report said.

The occupiers also report that 13 cases of COVID-19 have been identified over the past day, of which, allegedly, one is in a person who arrived from the controlled Ukrainian territory. The "DNR" put a special emphasis on this fact and also report that now the number of people infected with coronavirus among those who arrived in the CADO from the territory controlled by Ukraine starting from June 25, 2020 is 127 people.

In total, as of the morning of September 8, 2699 cases of COVID-19 were registered in the DNR, there are 151 deaths.

As for the occupied part of Luhansk oblast, the "official" statistics here is quite poor and causes great doubts about its reliability. In particular, occupation authorities of the "LNR" recognized only 20 deaths for the entire time of the epidemic, including one over the past day.