
Russian-backed militants in Donbass receive increased arms supplies - ex-OSCE SMM adviser 08/06/2020 14:30:18. Total views 734. Views today — 1.

Russian-backed militants in the Donbass receive new, increased supplies of weapons and ammunition from Russia. This was stated by ex-adviser to the OSCE SMM Mikhail Botsyurkiv on the air of the DIM TV channel.

He noted that the number of personnel is also increasing. Botsyurkiv expressed the opinion that the international community needs to change the methods of influencing Putin, since "the sanctions are not so effective".

"In my opinion, it is time for the international community to influence Vladimir Putin: put pressure on him and force the militants he supports to lay down their arms and observe the ceasefire. If I am not mistaken, the sanctions are not so effective – some more measures need to be taken here. I cannot offer a ready-made solution to this problem, but it is obvious that we need to find a way to motivate Putin to maintain the truce. You see, now is the time when the White House is distracted by its problems – the White House now has enough worries of its own, so it seems to me that Trump is simply not interested in Ukraine's problems", - he noted.

Botsyurkiv added that Trump "does not like Ukraine at all".

"And it seems to me that he does not have the fortitude to influence Putin", - Mikhail Botsyurkiv said.