
"DNR" occupiers continue blocking checkpoints on contact line under a pretext of combating COVID-19 07/03/2020 14:52:04. Total views 759. Views today — 0.

Occupation authorities of the "DNR" continue to block all checkpoints on the contact line in the Donetsk oblast under the pretext of combating COVID-19. This is stated in the daily report of the OSCE SMM as of July 2.

"In Donetsk region, the SMM saw that the entry-exit checkpoints (EECP) near Marinka (government-controlled, 23km south-west of Donetsk) and near Maiorsk (governmentcontrolled, 45km north-east of Donetsk), and the checkpoint of the armed formations near Horlivka were closed. It saw that the EECP near Hnutove (government-controlled, 90km south of Donetsk) was operational but that there was no traffic in either direction", - the report said.

At the same time, the "LNR" occupation authorities impose no restrictions on moving across the contact line. "The SMM cameras at the parking lot south of the Stanytsia Luhanska bridge and north of the new span of the bridge recorded about 500 pedestrians (mixed genders and ages) walking towards government-controlled areas and about 500 pedestrians (mixed genders and ages) walking towards non-government-controlled areas", - the Mission's report noted.