
"DNR" leader extends list of "officials" who are forbidden to leave the "republic" 06/26/2020 12:33:34. Total views 850. Views today — 1.

The leader of the "DNR" has augmented the list of categories of occupation officials who are forbidden to travel outside the "republic". This is stated in his "decree".

Earlier, traveling outside CADO was forbidden to the heads of various bodies of "power" and their deputies. It is noted that the ban was associated with the introduction of the so-called "high-alert mode in connection with the threat of spread of coronavirus infection".

The new "decree" forbids ordinary employees of the so-called "central republican bank", middle managers and other categories of "civil servants" to leave the occupation zone.

However, the ban on leaving because of the threat of COVID-19 does not apply for those who are going to leave for Russia to get Russian passport or to vote for Putin's amendments to the Constitution.