
Tuesday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 06/24/2020 12:00:00. Total views 719. Views today — 0.

In the area of ​​the Joint Forces Operation on June 23, armed formations of the Russian Federation violated the ceasefire 2 times, - the JFO headquarters reported. Servicemen of the Joint Forces have taken the necessary measures to stop the enemy's firing provocation. There have been no losses in the ranks of the Joint Forces as a result of the enemy shelling since the beginning of the day. Situation in the area of ​​the operation remains controlled.

Occupation authorities of the so-called "DNR" decided to "officially send to the Ukrainian side a list of citizens" whom the occupiers would "allow" to enter their "republic". This was stated by the so-called "Commissioner for Human Rights in the DNR" Daria Morozova, - the "official websites" of the separatists reported. "The DNR will let in only those citizens who have received official permission from the Headquarters to enter", - Morozova said. She stated that "in order to prevent possible speculation and attempts by Ukraine to mislead people who have not received permission to enter, we will officially send the Ukrainian side a list of citizens who are allowed to cross the DNR state border".

Only one day, June 25, was determined by the occupation authorities for the entry of citizens into the "DNR" from the controlled territory. This was written by Vladislav Berdichevsky, who calls himself "deputy of the People's Council", in his Telegram Channel. "The first time a day on ENTRANCE from Ukraine to the "DNR" - June 25. One day", - he stated. According to him, the number of arrivals will be no more than 300. "All of these 300 people will be placed under observation", - he recalled. It is unknown when the occupiers open the line of contact for entry. "The next day will be determined, and everyone who received permission will be notified in advance. They will be also placed under observation", - the self-proclaimed "deputy" informed.

Occupation authorities of the "DNR" artificially restrain a stream of people who want to leave the occupation zone for the territory controlled by Ukraine by setting up two additional checkpoints for this. Eyewitnesses wrote this on social networks. According to them, the first checkpoint was set at the exit from Donetsk, and it has a queue "for verification". The second checkpoint restrains a stream of citizens at the entrance to Olenivka. And finally, those who wish to enter the territory controlled by Ukraine are expected by the Olenivka checkpoint itself. Calling himself a "deputy of the People's Council" Vladislav Berdichesky advises residents of CADO to refrain from trying to cross the contact line through Olenivka due to the fact that the occupation authorities could not let people in the queue to leave the "DNR" back on Monday.

The fate of 20-year-old Bohdan Maksymenko, who was "arrested" in occupied Donetsk in April this year, became known. This was written by his godmother Natalia Kazennova on her Facebook. According to her, in the house of Bohdan on April 10, "lthe apartment was turned upside down, the computer was confiscated, and the guy was taken "into the unknown, which lasted 73 days". During this time, the "Ministry of State Security" did not indicate the place where he was held. The relatives were only informed that Bohdan was arrested "in administrative proceedings for a period of 30 days", on suspicion of the alleged "extremist activity". Only on June 22, the place of imprisonment of the young man who did not hide his pro-Ukrainian position was named - his relatives were allowed to give him medicine to one of the detention centers in Donetsk. Kazennova noted that it was still unknown by what "articles" in the "DNR" he was accused, and the "investigator" still has not talked with his family.

Occupation authorities of the "DNR" recognized 1029 cases as of June 23. This was stated in the report of the fake "Ministry of Health". It was noted that 26 cases of COVID-19 were recorded in CADO over the past day. In total, 676 patients are under treatment, 63 people died.

Almost five thousand residents of occupied Zymohirya in the so-called "LNR" were left without water supply due to breakdown of pumping equipment, separatist media wrote. "The pumping station of the Cherkaska mine in Zymohirya was stopped because of the failure of the pump - 377 detached houses and 93 multi-storey buildings were left without water supply. 4900 people in total", - the report said.