
Representatives of OSCE and UN deprived of opportunity to get into occupied part of Donbass because of COVID-19 05/07/2020 15:56:23. Total views 945. Views today — 0.

Representatives of the OSCE and the UN are deprived of the opportunity to get to the occupied part of Donbass with the quarantine enforcing. This was stated by the UNHCR representative in Ukraine Pablo Mateu in an interview with DW.

"Since quarantine has been enforced, neither the OSCE nor the UN can enter the territory beyond the control of the government. We also cannot send humanitarian aid there, except for assistance related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, we are sending there disinfection and personal protective equipment together with other international organizations, the WHO and the Red Cross provide medical equipment", - Mateu noted.

As previously reported, the OSCE SMM reports regularly inform that the "DNR/LNR" occupiers regularly refuse the Mission to travel through the checkpoints, alleging the spread of coronavirus as the reason.