
Peak of epidemic in Ukraine expected on May 8-9 - Shmyhal 05/05/2020 13:34:25. Total views 1130. Views today — 0.

Ukraine will come through the epidemic's peak on May 8-9. This was stated by Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal on the air of Ukrayinske Radio.

"As of yesterday, Ukraine had a stable situation with an increase in the number of cases for 18 days. That is, their number ranged from 300 to 550. There is a certain percentage of such stability. We can say that we were at the growth stage, but this stage was very moderate, and now we are at the peak of the incidence, or the so-called plateau, when the number of cases does not change daily", - the head of the government said.

He noted that the peak of the epidemic is possible this week, subject to quarantine.

"According to calculations, the peak will end in the region of May 8-9, if there are no violations of the quarantine regime. That is, this is actually the beginning of end of the epidemic for Ukraine in medical terms", - ​​Shmyhal added.

In this regard, the Cabinet of Ministers considers it possible to begin the first phase of the weakening of quarantine from May 11.

It is planned that parks and recreation areas, hairdressers, beauty salons, outdoor areas of cafes and restaurants will be opened. In addition, the work of public services institutions, as well as museums and libraries, will be allowed.