
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine considers possibility of opening markets before week is out 04/27/2020 15:30:14. Total views 747. Views today — 0.

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is working on the possibility of opening markets according to a specific protocol for observing safety rules during the COVID-19 epidemic. The consideration of this issue at the next government meeting was approved by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky in the traditional meeting on preventing the spread of coronavirus, held under his chairmanship, - the press service of the head of state reports.

We are talking about more than 280 covered food markets, which provide the Ukrainians with products and give an opportunity to small farmers to sale the products.

"We understand that there is a certain mental fatigue. COVID tired not only Ukrainians. Since food markets are extremely important for the survival and nutrition of many citizens, we need to think about how to enable them to work safely. We will set clear rules and let us open. We need to learn to live and work in new conditions", - Volodymyr Zelensky stressed.

Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal agreed that the issue of opening markets, the mechanism for their safe functioning and clear sanctions for non-compliance with the rules should be considered on Wednesday to start opening markets before the end of this week.

In addition, according to the Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine, so far only 13 000 people have visited cemeteries this year to commemorate the dead, whereas in past years, this figure was 5-7 million.

Health Minister Malsym Stepanov noted that so far the death rate due to COVID-19 in Ukraine is low and amounts to just over 2%. However, the peak incidence is expected in early May.