More than 30% of Ukrainians believe that the state should provide Russian-speaking citizens the right to receive school education in the Russian language throughout Ukraine. This is evidenced by the results of survey of the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology.
It is noted that 40% of the respondents are in favor of granting students the right to study in Russian in those areas where the majority of the population wants it.
33% of the respondents believe that the state should provide Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine the right to receive school education in Russian throughout Ukraine.
24% of the respondents insist that the state should not at all provide the right to study in Russian.
In addition, 37% of the respondents believe that the state should provide Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine with the right to communicate with officials in Russian throughout Ukraine, another 31% - in those areas where the majority of the population wants it, but not throughout Ukraine, 28% of the respondents - that the state should not ensure such a right.
The survey was conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology from February 21 to 25 by telephone interview based on a random selection of mobile phone numbers. 1500 interviews were conducted during the survey, the margin of error with a probability of 0.95 does not exceed 3%. The data from this study are compared with the results of the KIIS survey conducted from December 15 to December 18, 2019.