
Svoboda decided to resume blocking Russian trucks 02/26/2016 21:35:43. Total views 1101. Views today — 0.

Svoboda resumes all-Ukrainian action to block travel of Russian trucks on the territory of Ukraine on February 26th. This was announced by the leader of the Svoboda Oleh Tyahnybok on Facebook.

His party requires Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s government "to prohibit urgently the transit of Russian trucks on Ukrainian territory and cancel treacherous in its meaning decision to resume Russian transit as of February 25th."

Tyahnybok called permit for Russian businesses to use Ukrainian transport infrastructure unacceptable "during the military aggression of Russia against Ukraine and the idea to accompany ​​Russian trucks with forces of the MIA of Ukraine unacceptable.

"You can defeat the enemies only using effective means, causing the maximum level of losses to them, including in the economic sphere. Blocking transport transit is one of such means, consistently and systematically undermining the Russian economy. And on the contrary every Russian truck driving on Ukrainian rods is actually a new missile into Ukrainian soldiers,"- says Tyahnybok.

"We urge the Ukrainian authorities to stop lobbying for the interests of oligarchs and Russian invaders in Ukraine, not to apply double standards against the aggressor and stop completely the transit of Russian cargo transport on the territory of Ukraine", - said the leader of Svoboda