
Results of survey of CADLO residents classified: "the damage from the disclosure prevails over the public interest" 02/12/2020 18:33:09. Total views 875. Views today — 0.

The Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports has classified the results of a public opinion poll on the study of various aspects of public opinion of residents of the controlled and temporarily occupied territories of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts in the interests of national security. This is stated in the response of the ministry to the request of Ukrainian News.

"The publication of the received and documented information may constitute a threat to the life and health of individual citizens and interests of national security, given the specifics of the territories where the study was conducted", - it says.

According to the answer, the results of the study will be used to develop and improve the state policy and communication strategy among the population of the controlled and temporarily occupied territories of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, including in the field of information security.

It is noted that the damage from the publication of results of the study prevails over the public interest in the publication of the results, as it can create risks for the respondents, as well as reduce the effectiveness of further policies that will be formed on the basis of results of the study, including measures aimed at strengthening information security.

Earlier, the Ministry of Information Policy, which became part of the Ministry of Culture, held a tender for a public opinion poll for $53 thousand.

The survey was conducted by the Ukrainian Institute for Social Research after O. Yaremenko, but was not made public.