
"DNR" states it will pass "laws" regardless of Minsk agreements 01/20/2020 15:20:28. Total views 825. Views today — 0.

The terrorist "DNR" will pass "laws" regardless of the Minsk agreements, imitating the "lawmaking" of a full-fledged state. This was said by the so-called "deputy of the People's Council of the Republic" Yelena Shyshkina, commenting on the statement of former OSCE representative in the Contact Group at the Minsk talks Martin Sajdik, who accused the authorities of CADLO in adopting laws contrary to the Minsk agreements.

"The comment of ex-representative of the OSCE in the Contact Group at the Minsk talks Martin Sajdik regarding the conflict in the Donbass is outrageous!", - the collaborator is indignant. In her opinion, Sajdik "distorted the whole meaning of the Minsk agreements, having identified Russia as a party to the conflict, not a mediator".

In addition, the diplomat noted that the "DNR/LNR" authorities adopt "laws" that make it impossible or difficult to implement the package of measures. This also outraged the occupation authorities of CADO.

"Excuse me, why should we consult with Kyiv on issues of our domestic policy? Everyone knows that the Ukrainian authorities have not accomplished, in fact, anything at all", - the representative of the militants traditionally accused Ukraine of not fulfilling the Minsk agreements.

"Until they (Ukraine - OstroV) comply with the Minsk agreements, we will act as the full-fledged "independent republics", adopting only those "laws" that we need", - Shyshkina stated.