
European Council decides to extend sanctions against Russia 12/13/2019 13:19:25. Total views 764. Views today — 0.

The leaders of the European Union member states have agreed to maintain sanctions against the Russian Federation for another 6 months. This was stated by president of the European Council Charles Michel following the results of the first day of the EU leaders' summit, - European Pravda reports.

"We also had the opportunity, with regard to Russia and Ukraine, to listen to the discussion presented after the Normandy format meeting was held in Paris by Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel. It was an opportunity to exchange information about the situation in the region, and it was an opportunity, like you, of course, know, to make a decision to extend the sanctions for another six months, given the fact that we believe that the implementation of the Minsk agreements remains an extremely important point for us", - he said.

"This is the point on which we will continue to be careful and very active in the future", - Michelle added.

The decision has yet to be approved by the EU Council. Sanctions impose the EU restrictions on doing business with the Russian banking, financial and energy sectors.

The last time the EU continued economic sanctions against Russia was in the summer until January 31, 2020.