
Tuesday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 12/11/2019 11:00:00. Total views 726. Views today — 0.

In the area of the Joint Forces Operation on December 10, the armed forces of the Russian Federation violated the ceasefire 6 times, - the JFO headquarters reported. The enemy fired at the positions of our units from 82 mm mortars prohibited by the Minsk agreements, as well as from grenade launchers of various systems, heavy machine guns and other small arms. There were no casualties among the Joint Forces personnel as a result of shelling.

The "LNR" militants illegally appeared on the site of disengagement of forces and means in Stanytsia Luhanska under the guise of representatives of the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination on Ceasefire in the Donbass. This was reported by the Ukrainian party of the JCCC. "The presence of representatives of armed formations in Russian-style camouflage in arm bands with the inscription"СЦКК-JCCC" is recorded at site of the separation of forces and means No.1 (Stanytsia Luhanska)", - the report said.

The "DNR" wants the Russian State Duma to create a "working group" to work with "compatriots of Donbass" and illegal "republics". This was stated in the resolution adopted during the round table "Results and Prospects of the Integration Processes of Donbass and Russia", - separatist media reported. The "resolution" proposes that the "working group" was engaged in monitoring the "observance of the rights and freedoms of "Russian compatriots" (Ukrainian citizens who received Russian passports according to the simplified procedure - OstroV) and "coordinating the interaction of federal executive bodies with the "DNR and LNR authorities".

The so-called "court" of the unrecognized "DNR" sentenced a resident of the occupied territory to 5 years in prison for allegedly "participating in a terrorist community". This was said in the report of the fake "Prosecutor General's Office of the DNR". It was reported that from September to December 2017, the convict allegedly "performed tasks aimed at causing damage to the DNR security on the instructions of the SBU officer". The "DNR" believes that "the reason for the crime was the citizenˈs personal interest in the unhindered crossing of the Oleksandrivka checkpoint for private passenger transport and delivery of parcels from Ukraine".

The so-called "supreme court" of the "LNR" sentenced two residents of the occupied territory of Luhansk region to 15 and 12 years in prison allegedly for "espionage". This was reported by the so-called "LNR Ministry of State Security". "Resident of the Luhansk Peopleˈs Republic Dmitriy Pravatorov, who was engaged in espionage in favor of Ukraine and selected candidates for recruitment to collect and transmit military information on the instructions of the SBU, as well as information regarding the military personnel of the LNR Peopleˈs Militia, was identified", - the "Ministry of State Security" stated. The man was sentenced to 15 years in prison by the decision of the court. "Resident of Stakhanov Yekaterina Kotenko was prosecuted for aiding the SBU agent Dmitriy Pravatorov. It was established that she agreed to assist the foreign state in activities aimed at the expense of security of the Luhansk Peopleˈs Republic. Being the wife of the LNR Peopleˈs Militia officer, Kotenko was involved in the collection and transfer of information considered a state secret", - the report also stated. The woman was sentenced to 12 years in prison.

The Luhanskvoda enterprise controlled by the "LNR" militants stopped supplying water to occupied Rovenky and part of the Dovzhansky district due to leaks in the water main, separatist media wrote. It was specified that "water supply to the city of Rovenky and settlements of the Sverdlovsk district (now Dovzhansky - ed.), namely: Nahirne, Medvezhanka, Pavlivka and Volodarsk, was forcibly suspended".