
Putin is still opposed to regaining Ukrainian control over border before holding local elections in CADLO 12/10/2019 15:48:12. Total views 761. Views today — 0.

Russian President Vladimir Putin insists that local elections in the occupied Donbass should take place before Ukraine regains control of its border with Russia. He confirmed his position during a press conference after the Paris Summit in the Normandy format.

"Regarding the border. Indeed, our positions with Volodymyr Zelensky do not coincide here. Our position is quite easy to understand. We are for the Minsk agreements to be implemented. Please take the Minsk agreements and read what is written there. It is written there that Ukraine begins to establish control in this territory, on this section of the border the day after the election. Well, it says so! Finally, this process ends after the full implementation of all political procedures", - Vladimir Putin summed up.

"Is there any need to open the Minsk agreements and rewrite them again?", - the Russian president summed up.

As previously reported, one of the "red lines", which President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky promised not to step over, is: "control over the border at first, then holding the elections".