
"Just dreams". Razumkov responds to statement by Russian State Duma Speaker on separation of several oblasts of Ukraine 12/02/2019 12:32:31. Total views 814. Views today — 0.

Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Dmytro Razumkov has answered Chairman of the State Duma of Russia Vyacheslav Volodin, who threatened Ukraine with "leaving a number of oblasts". He said this at a meeting of the parliament's coordination board today, - correspondent of OstroV reports.

"There are no small, medium or large nations in Ukraine. There are Ukrainian people in Ukraine. They are multinational, they can speak different languages, but they are united in one country, and I would like to assure everyone that if someone hopes that some territories will fall off, be withdrawn or lost, these are just dreams", - he said.

The speaker assured that the Verkhovna Rada would make every effort to consolidate society around those that "will unite us".

"This is not an easy way, and all segments of the population and authorities should concentrate on this today", - Razumkov noted.

As previously reported, Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Volodin threatened Ukraine with the withdrawal of "a number of oblasts".

"Nationalism and oppression of small nations can lead to the withdrawal of a number of oblasts from Ukraine. This should be understood by the Ukrainian authorities, which should not allow violation of the rights and freedoms of ethnic groups living in the country", - Volodin stated.