
Following "colleague" from "LNR", "DNR" leader alerts units of all security agencies 10/30/2019 15:18:15. Total views 756. Views today — 0.

The "DNR" leader Denis Pushilin has announced the conduct of exercises of all security agencies of the "republic". He wrote this on his Telegram.

The text of his statement almost literally repeats a similar statement made by the "LNR" leader Leonid Pasechnik.

As reported, the head of the occupation administration of the uncontrolled territories of Luhansk oblast announced some joint exercises of all security agencies of the terrorists to be conducted in the "republic". According to Pasechnik, the exercises are scheduled, and methods for eliminating the "consequences of crisis situations" will be practiced. He groundlessly accused Ukraine of the fact that the AFU "regularly violate the current truce" once again. "Under current conditions, we have to be prepared, if necessary, to repel the aggression on the part of Kyiv", - Pasechnik stated.

A few hours after the statement of Pasechnik, leader of the "DNR" Denis Pushilin also announced the conduct of joint exercises. He also reported that "the facts of violations by the Ukrainian armed forces of the current ceasefire… cause of overriding concern ".

"Taking into account the available facts and intelligence information, I believe that conducting scheduled exercises of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, MIA and People's Police of the DNR will become the key to strengthening the defense capabilities of the "republic" and checking the readiness of law enforcement and government agencies to deal with the consequences of crisis situations", - he explained the need for urgent exercises of all security agencies, which he called "scheduled".

The complete identity of the texts of statements of the "DNR" and "LNR" leaders may indicate a common decision-making center for conducting exercises.