
Head of Donetsk Regional State Administration calls for speeding up work on bill on compensation for destroyed housing in Donbass 10/23/2019 13:29:48. Total views 819. Views today — 0.

Chairman of the Donetsk regional state administration Pavlo Kyrylenko has called for speeding up the procedure for consideration by the Verkhovna Rada of a bill that defines the procedure for paying compensation for damage to the housing destroyed as a result of hostilities in the Donbass. He said this during a meeting of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Human Rights, De-Occupation and Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories on October 23.

"Our proposal is to fast track the consideration and adopt bills regarding the compensation of damage caused to citizens as a result of the JFO. In particular, compensation for damage to the destroyed housing", - Pavlo Kyrylenko reported.

According to him, this refers to about more than 5600 houses of all forms of ownership.

At the same time, private houses are left without sources of financing, and significant work to restore them is carried out at the expense of charitable organizations and own funds of residents.

Due to the regional material reserve, the State Emergency Service and civil protection of the population in the Donetsk oblast restored more than 1200 houses and 12 infrastructure facilities.