
Cabinet of Ministers is going to halve consumption of Russian information content 09/30/2019 17:17:40. Total views 822. Views today — 0.

The government is going to halve the consumption of information content of the aggressor state. This is stated in the program of activities of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, which was posted today on the parliament's website.

"A Ukrainian is less likely to encounter manipulative and fake news, messages and materials", - it is said among the goals of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports.

In particular, the Cabinet of Ministers wants to halve the consumption of content by the aggressor state.

"Special attention will be paid to working with information attacks by the aggressor state in order to reduce their influence on the citizens of Ukraine, in particular, by taking measures to reduce the consumption of content of the aggressor state by at least half. Together, this will reduce the harm done to citizens of Ukraine as a result of the spread of fakes, in particular, the number of social conflicts", - the document says.