
No reason to impose sanctions on NewsOne and 112 Ukraine TV channels - NSDC 09/24/2019 12:32:43. Total views 842. Views today — 0.

The National Security and Defense Council states that no reason has been found to impose sanctions on NewsOne and 112 Ukraine. This is stated in the response of the National Security and Defense Council to the request of Ukrayinsky Novyny.

It is noted that the decision of the Verkhovna Rada of October 4, 2018 with the initiative to impose sanctions against the television channels was considered by the National Security and Defense Council on March 19 of this year.

Due to the fact that Ukrainian legislation allows imposing sanctions against resident legal entities only if they are involved in terrorist activities, the NSDC instructed the Security Service of Ukraine to conduct an appropriate audit of the companies indicated in the resolution (Novynt 24 Hodyny LLC, Partner TV LLC , Leader TV LLC, 112-TV Television and Radio Company LLC, TV Vybir LLC, New Format TV LLC and Ariadna TV LLC).

"The Security Service of Ukraine did not provide evidence confirming the participation of these legal entities in terrorist activities", - the NSDC said in a reply.

Thus, no grounds for imposing sanctions were found.

As previously reported, on July 8, the SBU urged the NSDC to immediately impose sanctions against the NewsOne and 112 Ukraine TV channels in accordance with the Verkhovna Rada resolution of October 4, 2018. In addition, the Prosecutor General's Office has opened criminal proceedings against the beneficial owners of NewsOne on suspicion of terrorist financing.

Earlier, on October 4, 2018, the Rada submitted to the National Security and Defense Council proposals for the application of sanctions to the NewsOne and 112 Ukraine television channels.

The Parliament asked the NSDC to impose sanctions on the television channels such as blocking assets, canceling licenses, prohibiting the use of the radio frequency resource of Ukraine, as well as preventing the withdrawal of capital abroad.