
Foreign Minister Prystaiko has already agreed to "Steinmeier formula" 09/18/2019 20:08:21. Total views 917. Views today — 0.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Vadym Prystaiko has reported that he had agreed to the so-called "Steinmeier formula" to resolve the situation in the occupied part of Donbass. He stated this at a joint meeting of parliamentary committees on European integration and foreign affairs, - European Pravda reports.

"We agreed on Steinmeier's formula at the meeting of advisers on September 2, and I can cite what I agreed to. The special status law comes into force in the previous format at the time of the elections holding, and finally enters into force after the decision of the OSCE ODIHR (on recognition of elections as fair, - ed)", - Prystaiko said.

"This is what is written in the decision. There is nothing else there. It is necessary that all parties represented at this table, all media represented here, have access to the elections, and so on. Only then the elections can be recognized as meeting the OSCE standards", - the minister added.

He noted that in order to conduct elections in the occupied part of Donbass, the appropriate conditions should first be created.

"At first, the necessary defense conditions are created, and only then the elections are held, President Zelensky clearly said this", - the MFA head added.

It was earlier reported that Russia requires from Ukraine the official receipt of "Steinmeier formula" as a condition for the Normandy Four summit.

Based on this, Prystaiko's agreement at the meeting on September 2 was preliminary - it was about agreeing on the text of the formula, and not on its official approval by the state.

There has been a discussion in Kyiv in recent days about the possibility of applying "Steinmeier formula" for settlement in the Donbass.

As previously reported, Foreign Minister of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier proposed a special procedure for the entry into force of the law "On the provisional order of local self-government in certain areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts on the peculiarities of local self-government". He suggests that this status will be granted to this region of Ukraine on the day of local elections there, initially, on a temporary basis. It will begin to act on an ongoing basis after the publication of the OSCE report confirming the legitimacy of the voting results. The idea was called the "Steinmeier formula".

Meanwhile, speaking in word of an interest in resolving the conflict in the east of Ukraine, Russia does not comply with the main provisions of the protocol signed on September 5, 2014 in Minsk. In particular, the Minsk Protocol provides for an immediate bilateral cessation of the use of weapons, permanent monitoring on the Ukrainian-Russian state border and verification by the OSCE with the creation of security zone in the border areas of Ukraine and the Russian Federation, withdrawal of illegal armed formations, military equipment, as well as militants and mercenaries from the territory of Ukraine. Instead, Russia on a permanent basis supports the occupation authorities of Donbass with weapons, ammunition, military equipment and personnel. Russia is also totally against monitoring of Ukraine's uncontrolled section of the state border through which columns of military equipment regularly come to the occupied Donbass and through which Ukrainian coal, products of Ukrainian metallurgical plants and so on are being exported from CADLO.