
Foreign Minister sees first signs of Kremlin's readiness for de-escalation in Donbass 09/18/2019 12:12:47. Total views 756. Views today — 0.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko has stated that the Kremlin was showing the first signs of readiness to de-escalate the situation in the Donbass. He told this in an interview with Die Welt.

"We see the first, preliminary signs of this. We took several unilateral steps on our part to cease fire, and we proposed a ceasefire at the harvest season. To do this, we withdraw the military from the front line in three test zones and would like to spread it to the whole front. But there are constant provocations from that side against which our soldiers must defend themselves. All in all, the frequency of the bombing has dropped significantly, and the death toll has decreased", - Prystaiko noted.

When asked whether we can imagine that Russia could end its aggression without concessions due to the sovereignty of Ukraine, he replied that Ukraine would not surrender its territory and informed the Russians about the "red lines". "Therefore, we will not allow Russia to fix its dominance in parts of Ukrainian territory, for example, as happened in Moldova with Transnistria. We want to return our citizens. If this is not possible, we will need to resort to other means that are too early to talk about now", - Prystaiko noted.