
Servant of the People officially declares itself coalition in Parliament 08/29/2019 16:45:55. Total views 1146. Views today — 0.

The parliamentary faction Servant of the People has formed a noncoalition in the Verkhovna Rada of 254 people's deputies. This was stated today by head of the Servant of the People party and interim chairman of the VR Dmytro Razumkov at the parliament meeting today, - correspondent of OstroV reports.

"In accordance with Article 73 of the Constitution of Ukraine, the parliamentary faction of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine which includes the majority of deputies from the constitutional composition of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has coalition rights of the deputy faction. I declare that the registered Servant of the People faction has 254 people's deputies… and in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine, has coalition rights", - Razumkov said.

Davyd Arakhamia was elected head of the Servant of the People faction.