
"DNR" propagandist counts up that only 0.28% of Donbass men joined "militia" of "DNR" 08/08/2019 14:09:42. Total views 993. Views today — 0.

Only 0.28% of men from the Donetsk oblast of draft age have joined the ranks of the "DNR" militants in 2014. Such disappointing figure for those who call the Russian aggression "civil war" was announced by speaker of the "people's police" Daniil Bezsonov on his page in social network.

"According to non-official statistics, in 2014, 0.28 percent of the total number of men living in Donetsk and Donetsk oblast, who were able to hold weapons in their hands, joined the militia. This is not even 1% and not 5%, but 0.28% !!!!!", - he was indignant.

"If at least 5% of the male population took up arms in 2014, then everything would have ended long ago, and the enemy would have been defeated. But we have what we have. And we will get out of harsh reality", - he summarizes.

As previously reported, Russian and, after it, separatist propaganda is trying to present the aggression of the Russian Federation in the Donbass as "civil war" and "internal conflict."