
Monday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 07/16/2019 11:00:00. Total views 953. Views today — 0.

In the area of ​​the Joint Forces Operation on July 15, the armed forces of the Russian Federation violated the ceasefire seven times, - the press center of the JFO reported. The enemy fired at the positions of our units using 120 and 82 mm weapons prohibited by the Minsk Agreements, as well as from grenade launchers of various systems, heavy machine guns and small arms. Two soldiers were injured as a result of the enemy attacks. Our units gave an adequate response to shelling by the armed formations of the Russian Federation.

Two former members of the illegal armed formations of the "DNR" voluntarily surrendered to the Kramatorsk law enforcement officers, - the Kramatorsk police department reported. Local residents, born in 1975 and 1979, admitted that in May 2014, succumbing to propaganda, they were in the ranks of "employees" of the so-called "DPR". The men illegally carried out the access control arrangements in the area of ​​Stankostroi in Kramatorsk. They inspected motor vehicles, checked documents with drivers and passengers. The reward for such a "service" was food and money. After the liberation of Kramatorsk, the mercenaries did not leave their hometown, but carefully concealed their past connection with the "DNR". After it is proved that the men did not commit serious crimes during their stay in the grouping, they will be officially released from criminal responsibility.

The Luhanskvoda enterprise controlled by the "LNR" militants reduces the water supply to six cities in the occupied territory of Luhansk oblast on July 16, separatist media wrote. It was reported that because of the repair work, the Slovianoserbsk and Krasnolymansk pumping stations of the second rising would be de-energized. As a result, the water supply to consumers in Alchevsk and Perevalsk will be reduced by 70%, in Slovianoserbsk - by 50%, in Khrustalny and Antratsyt - by 40%, in Petrovo-Krasnosillya - by 20%.

A man died as a result of the collapse of a balcony slab on the second floor of a four-storey residential building In occupied Yenakiieve, - the so-called "Ministry of Emergency Situations of the DNR" reported. The owner of the apartment, born in 1958, who was on the balcony at the time of the collapse, became its victim.