
Occupation authorities of "DNR" intend to conduct census of population 07/15/2019 16:25:10. Total views 944. Views today — 0.

The occupation authorities of the "DNR" intend to conduct a census of the population of territories not controlled by the legitimate authorities. This is stated in the "decree" signed by leader of the "republic" Denis Pushilin.

According to this document, the so-called "temporary order of the "republican" population census" is being introduced. It states that the census will be conducted by visiting all households and filling out questionnaires. A full profile will be compiled for each resident of the occupied territory: gender, age, education, marital status, property ownership, source of income, etc. It will be necessary to answer personally.

It is noted that the information will be collected in relation to persons who do not live in the "DNR", but, according to the registration, recognized as "citizens of the republic". Information about them will be obtained "on the basis of administrative data."

Thus, after taking the census, the occupation authorities will have complete data on persons who have left the occupied territory.