
CEC disbands constituency election commission in Sloviansk on complaint of Poroshenko's party 07/09/2019 13:29:37. Total views 1110. Views today — 0.

The Central Election Commission has made a decision on the early termination of powers of the entire constituency election commission No. 47 (Sloviansk, Donetsk oblast) in connection with a gross violation of the law of Ukraine "On the election of people's deputies of Ukraine". This is stated in the message of the CEC.

It is noted that the Central Election Commission received a submission from the Donetsk Regional Administrative Court on the opening of proceedings in the administrative case together with the administrative lawsuit at the request of K.Shumakhova, in which she complains about the rejection of candidates nominated for the constituency election commission from the European Solidarity political party.

"After considering the available documents, the Commission found that the specified election commission violated the requirements of the electoral law regarding the mandatory inclusion of one representative of the political party, the parliamentary faction of which is registered in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the current convocation, in the constituency election commissions of ordinary or special polling stations according to its submission. In this way, the given constituency election commission has limited the rights of the political party, as well as of the persons proposed by it to participate in the work of constituency election commissions of ordinary or special polling station at the early parliamentary election of deputies Ukraine on 21 July 2019 ", - the message said.

Based on this, the CEC terminated the powers of the entire constituency election commission No. 47 ahead of schedule terminated the powers of the entire composition of the district election commission No. 47 and ordered to submit candidates for new members of the constituency commission until 5 p.m. on July 9.

After the formation of the new constituency election commission, it should consider the creation of district regular and special polling stations (Sloviansk, Sviatohirsk, Mykolayivka, Sloviansk and Oleksandrivsk districts), taking into account the submission of the European Solidarity political party, the faction of which is registered in the Verkhovna Rada's Office.