
The "DNR" admitted that they paid salary to miners not regularly and complained on Ukraine 02/17/2016 16:52:19. Total views 1129. Views today — 0.

Salary of miners, who work in occupied Donetsk region, are not paid regularly. It was admitted by the so-called "acting head of industry development strategy of the the administration" of the "DPR" leader Eduard Polyakov in his comments to the DAN separatist website.

"I am not going to hide that people complain about instable salary. There are salaries payable ... There are delays in paying salaries but it depends on the sale of coal because we haven’t got governmental support. We’ve got as much money as we mined coal and sold it," - he said.

In addition, the self-proclaimed "chief" traditionally shuffle off the burden of the industry of the occupied territory on Ukraine. In his opinion, the terrorist republic got debts from Ukraine. "The debt amounted to about 800 million hryvnia then," - he said, adding that this amount has not been compensated by the Ukrainian side yet.