
Tuesday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 06/12/2019 11:00:00. Total views 919. Views today — 0.

In the area of the Joint Forces Operation on June 11, the armed forces of the Russian Federation violated the ceasefire five times, - the JFO headquarters reported. As a result of the enemy attacks, two Ukrainian soldiers were injured. Our units gave an adequate response to shelling by the armed formations of the Russian Federation.

Representatives of the "DNR" allow only 6 cars to pass every 30 minutes at their checkpoints on the territory controlled by the Ukrainian authorities. They informed the observers of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission about the new "order", - the daily report of the OSCE SMM said. For example, at the checkpoint of the armed formations near occupied Olenivka, the Mission team recorded at least 200 vehicles waiting in line to travel to areas under the government's control. A man and a woman (50–59 years old) reported that they had been waiting at this checkpoint for more than 10 hours to get into areas under the government's control. "Three members of the armed formations at the checkpoint told the observers that a few days ago, a new "order" entered into force, according to which only 6 cars were allowed to enter the checkpoint every 30 minutes", - the report said.

In connection with repair work on the main water supply system, the Luhanskvoda enterprise, controlled by the "LNR" militants, will temporarily stop the water supply to occupied Dovzhansk from June 11, as well as to the villages of Komsomolsky and Mirny. This was written by separatist media.

In the Kamyanobridsky district of occupied Luhansk, the office and roof of the tool shop of one of the enterprises were destroyed by fire. This was stated in the report on the website of the so-called "Ministry of Emergency Situations of the LNR". "Luhansk, Kirov Street, 43: according to a preliminary reason - short circuit of electrical wiring, the office destroyed by fire in the area of ​​nine square meters, the roof - in the area of ​​100 square meters in the tool shop in the territory of Avtomotozapchast", - the report said.

A previously convicted 29-year-old resident was detained in occupied Snizhne after he came to visit his lover with a combat grenade. This was reported by the so-called "Ministry of Internal Affairs of the DNR". The guest was handed over to the local "police" by a resident of Snizhne, who noticed a grenade in the hands of the man and was frightened for the life and health of her daughter. The previously convicted 29-year-old Snizhne resident was found an F-1 grenade with a fuse, and a 30 mm projectile was seized at his place of residence.