
"DNR" supporter accuses militants of "republic" in provocative shelling of positions of Armed Forces of Ukraine 06/10/2019 17:00:42. Total views 879. Views today — 0.

Ardent supporter of the "DNR" Alexander Bolotin has unequivocally accused militants of the "republic" of provocative shelling of the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Avdiivka, controlled by the legitimate authority. He wrote this on his Facebook.

"I am writing in adequate condition. I am for the DNR. For Russia. But I hate dumbasses. It does not matter if they have shoulder straps or not. Have you gone nuts there??? And what about Minsk??? If you are so bold, get out of your trenches and remove your armor. Surrender your weapon. Be like me - with a naked ass. Let us make a duel for Ukes? A duel with sticks and armature???

I will be now fired at from Avdiivka from all the calibers. Because of some officer-dumbas, who decided to shoot??? Whom have you killed now, bitch???? Whom have you crippled??? What have you achieved??? You, dickwad, seized Kramatorsk or Mariupol just now??? I and peaceful residents will be fired at from Avdiivka just because of the fact that some cattle in uniform decided to shoot out of 82 to the other side, when nobody bothers you, cattle??? What for????", - the separatist, member of the so-called "public chamber of the DNR", wrote.

His post touched off a storm from supporters of the militants. Alexander Bolotin replied to them in the comments that the fact of provocative shelling of Avdiivka, controlled by the legitimate authority, by the "DNR" illegal armed formations did take place. "I am writing about a specific incident. About a specific location and specific issue… There was a provocation by the "DNR" military yesterday. "There was a lazy fire somewhere in the direction of Avdiivka. I am writing the truth. If you like - come and do a survey of the population about yesterday's events", "I do not want my family to be held hostage by someone's combat mission. The result is zero in five years", - he insists.