
The idea of relocation of refugees from Donbass to the Far East was approved in Russia 02/16/2016 22:23:03. Total views 1224. Views today — 0.

Ministry for Development of Russian Far East supported the proposal of deputies of the CMRF on the development of the federal target programme for the voluntary resettlement of refugees from Donbass to Siberia and the Far East. It is stated in the answer of the Ministry to the deputy's request, - reported RIA Novosti.

About 6 million people live on the vast territory of the Russian Far East and the launch of many investment projects creates a demand for labour –only the already implemented projects will need 50 thousand employees till 2020, including families it will be 100 thousand. In December 2015 deputies from the Communist Party appealed to the government, the Federal Migration Service and Ministry for Development of Russian Far East with a proposal to develop a federal target programme called "Voluntary resettlement of persons forced to leave Ukraine on the territory of Siberia and the Far East".

"Taking into account the data of the monitoring of the situation on admission, accommodation and employment of Ukrainian citizens, who arrived on the territory of the Far Eastern Federal Area, implemented by Ministry for Development of Russian Far East and considering the number of jobs that will be created in areas of social and economic development and investment projects (more than 50 000 jobs till 2020) we support your initiative,"- said the response of the Ministry for Development of Russian Far East to deputies’ request.

Position of the Ministry for Development of Russian Far East was sent to the Federal Migration Service (FMS) of Russia. Russian deputies recalled in its request that the tendency of the population reduction in the Far East has not been overcome, despite the implementation of several federal target programmes.

The request authors believe that the situation can change if 1.6 million citizens of Ukraine (this figure is mentioned in the request) will be offered to relocate voluntary to the Far East and Siberia instead of administrative expulsion in connection with the termination of temporary stay.