
Decree on appointment of Danyliuk Secretary of National Security and Defense Council appears on President's website 05/28/2019 18:42:13. Total views 718. Views today — 0.

President of Ukraine Vooldymyr Zelensky has appointed former Finance Minister Oleksandr Danyliuk Secretary of the Council of National Security and Defense. He signed the relevant decree on May 28, - the presidential press service reports.

"To appoint Oleksandr DANYLIUK as Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine", - the document says.

Oleksandr Danilyuk in the Zelensky team was responsible for international relations, economics, financial and banking policies. He was a freelance adviser to ex-President Viktor Yanukovych. He headed the Coordination Center for the implementation of economic reforms from September 2010.

He has been Permanent Representative of the President of Ukraine in the Cabinet of Ministers since 2014, and later -Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration. He was finance minister in the government of Volodymyr Groysman in 2016-2018.

Danyliuk resigned as minister due to corruption schemes in the department and conflict with Prime Minister Groysman.

During the presentation of his team by Zelensky on the air of The Right to Power, Danyliuk outlined the main priorities of international politics.

"The external course was already determined by Ukraine 5 years ago. This is a course for a united Europe. We paid a lot for this choice. Therefore, a strong Ukraine will become an integral part of the European project. Our goal is even more ambitious: we are trying, we are going to become a regional leader, center of stability, democracy and development", - he stated.

Danyliuk also supports the continuation of cooperation with international financial organizations: the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, particularly in infrastructure development.

According to him, the reforms will be aimed at demonopolization, reducing the influence of oligarchs, pressure on business from regulatory and law enforcement agencies.