
Occupation power's official sentenced to 8 years for "spying for Ukraine" in "LNR" 05/14/2019 18:40:17. Total views 830. Views today — 0.

A resident of the occupied part of Luhansk oblast was sentenced by the fake "LNR" court to 8 years in prison "for spying for the benefit of Ukraine". This is stated in the press service of the "Ministry of State Security of the republic".

Allegedly, "this citizen, traveling to the territory controlled by the AFU, was recruited by employee of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine".

According to the "LNR Ministry of State Security", he collected and transmitted confidential information about the movement of military equipment of militants and their units "indicating the exact place of their deployment".

It is noted that he allegedly was able to receive these data because "on the instructions of his supervisors, he had to get a job in government for a position that would enable him to collect information about the armed forces of the "LNR", civil servants, enterprises and institutions without arousing suspicion".

Based on the list of objects and personalities to which the convicted person had access, he held quite responsible post in the occupational system of power.