
Constitutional court postpones consideration of lustration law 05/14/2019 15:56:09. Total views 796. Views today — 0.

The Constitutional Court of Ukraine has postponed consideration of the lustration law. Interfax-Ukraine reports this with reference to the source.

This decision was made at a meeting of the Constitutional Court Chamber on Tuesday.

"Consideration on lustration postponed", - the agency interlocutor said.

The reason for the transfer of consideration and date when this issue can be considered are not yet known.

As previously reported, the Constitutional Court, which filed two submissions, and 47 deputies appealed to the Supreme Court of Ukraine in 2015 with submissions about the constitutionality of the lustration law. All three submissions were combined into one constitutional proceeding.

Thus in its submissions, the Supreme Court raises the question of constitutionality of the provisions of this law concerning the prohibition on certain persons in respect of whom lustration is exercised to hold office for 10 years.

We are talking about persons who held office cumulatively at least one year from February 25, 2010 to February 22, 2014 as a member of the High Council of Justice (except for the President of the Supreme Court of Ukraine), member of the High Qualifications Commission of Judges of Ukraine, Chairman of the State Judicial Administration of Ukraine and his first deputy.

This prohibition applies to persons who occupied the same positions in the period from November 21, 2013 to February 22, 2014 and were not released during this period of their own free will.

In addition, the provisions of this law prohibiting to hold posts for judges who rendered decisions against the Euromaidan participants are being disputed.

The submission of 47 people's deputies deals with the constitutionality of provisions of the law on the prohibition to hold office for persons who for at least one year from February 25, 2010 to February 22, 2014, occupied the posts of President, Prime Minister of Ukraine, Government members, National Bank of Ukraine, heads of security agencies and head of the presidential administration.

The deputies appealed a similar ban on persons holding specified leadership positions in government from November 21, 2013 to February 22, 2014, as well as law enforcement officers, investigators, operatives and prosecutors, who took part in the detention of persons released from criminal or administrative responsibility in accordance with the laws on amnesty, made reports on them and protocols on administrative violation.