
Registration of State Tax Service suspended 05/13/2019 13:57:49. Total views 754. Views today — 0.

State Registrar of the Department for State Registration of Legal Entities, Individuals-Entrepreneurs of the Shevchenko District State Administration in Kyiv Vitaliy Zhelinsky has suspended the registration procedure for the State Tax Service. This is evidenced by the corresponding notification of the state registrar, which is available to Interfax-Ukraine.

In his decision, V.Zhelinsky refers to the fact that the State Fiscal Service, the successor of which will be the STS, is currently not in a state of liquidation due to the reorganization of the department through its division.

However, head of the State Tax Service Serhiy Verlanov called the suspension of registration technical.

According to him, lawyers are currently studying the observations of the state registrar.

"The norms of the Law will be fulfilled", - the head of the State Tax Service stressed.

S.Verlanov also added that the registration of legal entity of the State Tax Service will be resumed soon.

"We will continue to restart the tax service and will do everything to create a transparent and functional structure of the European sample", - he said.