
Monday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 05/07/2019 11:00:00. Total views 774. Views today — 0.

In the area of the Joint Forces Operation on May 6, the enemy violated the ceasefire eight times, - the press center of the JFO reported. Armed formations of the Russian Federation fired at the positions of our units from 120 mm mortars, armaments of infantry fighting vehicles and heavy machine guns. There are no casualties among the servicemen of the Joint Forces. The units of the Joint Forces gave an adequate response to the enemy provocations.

Russian-terrorist troops shelled the village of Troitske in the Popasna district of the Luhansk region from mortars on May 6 at 11.00, deputy head of the Luhansk regional administration Yuriy Klimenko wrote on Facebook. According to him, the mines did not reach almost 100 meters to the school where the lessons were holding. The educational process was interrupted, the children urgently evacuated.

A man who helped the "DNR" militants to appropriate the apartments of displaced persons together with a judge received five years in prison. The relevant decision was made by the Obolonsky district court of Kyiv on April 11, - Judicial Reporter reported. In 2015-2017 on the territory of occupied Donetsk, the accused was a co-executor as part of an organized group that helped the "DNR" participants to acquire the right of ownership of abandoned apartments on the basis of fake court decisions. The man was accused of transferring the documents for 9 apartments to the "DNR" representatives. As for the other two apartments, the plan did not have time to complete, because the group was exposed and detained.

A mother, her two-year-old son and 13-year-old daughter were poisoned by carbon monoxide In occupied Khrustalne of the Luhansk region because of a malfunctioning wood heater. This was reported by the so-called "Ministry of Emergency Situations of the LNR". The injured were hospitalized in a children's hospital. The condition of the boy is assessed as critical, and of the girl and women - of medium severity.