
Russian pension not be in cards for residents of "DNR/LNR" even with Russian passports 04/26/2019 12:06:28. Total views 809. Views today — 0.

CADLO residents, who will receive Russian citizenship under simplified procedure, will be able to receive Russian old-age pensions only in the case of permanent residence in Russia. This was stated in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, - Russian RBC reports.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation noted that the pension is being appointed and paid by the state to a person with permanent residence, regardless of his/her citizenship - Russian or Ukrainian. Therefore, to get a Russian passport, live in the "DNR" or "LNR" and claim for Russian pensions at the same time will not work.

"Pensions are being appointed and paid by the state to a person with permanent residence, regardless of his/her citizenship (of Russia or Ukraine)", - the Pension Fund noted.

In this regard, Russian pensions are not assigned to citizens permanently residing in Ukraine, including those in CADLO, the Russian department notes.

As previously reported, on April 24, 2019, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the decree "On the definition for humanitarian purposes of categories of persons entitled to apply for citizenship of the Russian Federation under simplified procedure", which simplified the adoption of citizens of Ukraine residing in the occupied Donbass to Russian citizenship. Those who have identity documents issued in the "DNR/LNR" with "a note about registration at the place of residence in the territory of the relevant district of Donetsk or Luhansk oblast of Ukraine" have the right to a Russian passport.