
Wednesday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 04/25/2019 11:00:00. Total views 876. Views today — 0.

In the area of the Joint Forces Operation on April 24, since the beginning of the day, the enemy violated the ceasefire 10 times, of which six times - using 120 and 82 mm mortars prohibited by the Minsk agreements, - the JFO headquarters reported. Armed formations of the Russian Federation also fired at the positions of our units from grenade launchers of various systems, large-caliber machine guns and small arms. There are no casualties among the Joint Forces. The Joint Forces' units gave an adequate response to the enemy provocations.

Russian "curators" held a meeting in the "LNR Ministry of State Security" in occupied Luhansk on issues of "countering the subversive activity of the Ukrainian special services in the republic" with setting targets for its neutralization, - co-chairman of the Right Cause civil initiative Dmitriy Snegirev wrote on Facebook. It is indicative that on the eve of the meeting with the participation of the Russian "curators", an improvised explosive device was found under a freight train car at the Liski station in the Voronezh oblast. A freight train with steel products arrived in the Russian Federation from the territory of occupied areas of the Luhansk oblast. This is not the first such case in the last month. So, an explosion thundered at the Merzhanov railway station (Rostov oblast of the Russian Federation) on April 8. According to Russian media, the explosive device was laid in the braking system of the car. The freight train arrived from the territory of the self-proclaimed "LNR". Thus, according to the Russian party, the responsibility for conducting acts of sabotage directly on the territory of the Russian Federation will be assigned to the Ukrainian special services.

The rent for the use of movable and immovable property for legalized religious organizations of the Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate in the "LNR" is 1 Russian ruble ($0.016) per year. This was stated in the "resolution" of the so-called "Council of Ministers of the Republic". It was noted that such a meager rent is also defined for the occupation authorities, non-existent "local governments", "public" institutions, Peace to the Luhansk Region social movement (de facto the ruling "LNR" party - OstroV) and Russian Motorcyclists non-governmental organization.

The Amstor trade network, which operated in the occupied part of Donetsk oblast, has closed almost all its supermarkets. This was written by the separatist who is in opposition to the current regime, writing in social networks under the nickname "Donetsk Aborigine". "The entire AMSTOR trade network closes. Of the 11 supermarkets, the last one on the Ilyich Street closes now", - he reported. In February 2018, the Amstor supermarkets in occupied Horlivka, Makiivka and Donetsk "restarted" their activities under the name Amstor City. Prior to this, 17 stores operated in the occupied territory of Donetsk oblast under the Amstor brand.

An elderly man died at the Mayorske checkpoint. This was reported by monitors of The Right to Protection charity fund. "The tragedy happened at the Mayorske checkpoint. The man who was born in 1938 died from the thrombus detachment. He was provided with emergency medical care, but could not be saved", - the report said.

The remains of an unknown soldier were found in the occupied village of Pershozvanivka near the flight strip of the Luhansk Airport. Sverdlovsk - you should know this group wrote this on social network. "There is a metal helmet with a bullet hole on the skeletonized corpse. The victim of 2014… what mother continues to wait for him and cry?", - the message said.