
Militants fired at their positions in the occupied part of Donetsk region and hit a school – Intelligence 02/15/2016 16:11:39. Total views 969. Views today — 0.

Militants fired at their positions in the occupied part of Donetsk region. It is reported by Min Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

"Erroneous artillery fire at their troops forced the advanced units of the 9th separate motorized rifle regiment (Novoazovsk) and 3rd separate motorized rifle brigade (Gorlovka) to leave positions and flee on February 13th," – noted Intelligence.

Illegal armed groups are also reported to hit civilian objects on the territory controlled by the militants more often due to increased number of attacks on positions of the AFU.

"Gunners of the 1 AK (first army corps of the so-called "DPR") hit a school in Svobodnoye village (Telmanove district) on February 10th," - said the statement.