
Zhirinovsky's people proposes not to recognize upcoming presidential election in Ukraine 03/27/2019 12:49:32. Total views 1214. Views today — 0.

The LDPR faction has submitted to the Russian State Duma a draft statement "On the non-recognition of results of the presidential election in Ukraine". Information about this was posted in an electronic database of the lower chamber of the Russian parliament on Tuesday, - TASS reports.

The draft document says that the conduct of election takes place "in the context of an unfair election campaign using "dirty" voting technologies, what is a gross violation of international legal principles and norms".

As arguments, it is indicated that Ukraine has banned the participation of Russian citizens as election observers.

The document has already stated the alleged "mass falsification" of the results of (not yet held!) election, called upon "to ensure the victory of a certain candidate".

The draft statement is proposed to be submitted to the plenary meeting of the State Duma on April 2.

The election of the President of Ukraine will take place on March 31.