
Wednesday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 03/07/2019 11:00:00. Total views 785. Views today — 1.

In the area of the Joint Forces Operation on March 6, the enemy fired at our positions with artillery systems and mortars five times, - the JFO headquarters reported. In general, the occupiers used the weapons banned by the Minsk agreements seven times, spending 100 shells and mines of 122 and 120 mm caliber. There are no casualties among our defenders. Our units gave a decent response to the enemy. His losses are being clarified.

Separatist Pavel Gubarev confirmed the arrest of supporters of the former so-called "Minister of Revenue and Duties" Alexander Timofeev (nicknamed "Tashkent") in the "DNR". He told this in an interview with separatist media. According to him, people from the Tashkent team were arrested in occupied Donetsk. In particular, Nikolay Zagoruyko, Dmitriy Avtonomov, Mikhail Khalin and Alexander Mikhaylov.

The Security Service of Ukraine refuted the information that former "head" of the CEC of the "DNR" Roman Liagin surrendered to the Ukrainian authorities. Speaker of the SBU Olena Hitlianska reported this to OstroV in a comment. "We deny this information. It turned out that, unfortunately, this is not true", - she said. Earlier, MP Natalia Veselova reported that former "head" of the CEC of the "DNR" Roman Liagin returned to Ukraine and passed under the SBU program "You are being waited at home".

Occupation authorities of the "LNR" together with the "DNR" decided to form the so-called "squads" of young sportsmen. It is indicative that the occupation authorities see a rather specific part of the young generation in the number of "members of a voluntary public order squad". As one of the functionaries of the "Peace to the Luhansk region" Dmitriy Kukarskiy noted, the "squad" is called to gather young people who "failed to realize themselves in school or university life".

The "DNR" leader Denis Pushilin has supported the idea of holding local election, which seriously violate all the Minsk agreements. This was reported by separatist media. Just before, functionaries of the "Donetsk Republic" social movement, as the ruling "DNR" party, proposed to develop a "bill" on local governments. The next day, Pushilin showed full support for this "initiative". Meanwhile, the idea of creating its own local authorities in the occupied territories of Donetsk oblast runs counter to the main provisions of the Minsk agreements.

Repair brigades, pyrotechnics and mobile JCCC groups were fired by occupiers near the line of demarcation on March 5. This was reported on March 6 by the press center of the Joint Forces. Two shelling - around 10.00 and 12.00 - from small arms and grenade launcher GP 25 - occurred during emergency repair works at the substation and high-voltage power lines in Marinka along the streets of Oktiabrska and Karpova, from the direction from the village of Trudivski of the Petrovsky district of Donetsk. The repair crew of Donetsk Electric Networks, as well as pyrotechnical group of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and representatives of the Ukrainian party in the JCCC, who provided support for the event, were fired upon. The works were suspended for 2 hours, but the breakdown on the power line was eliminated. The crew of the Voda Donbassa public utility, performing work in the area of ​​Olenivka, was fired from small arms. The works had to be suspended, the brigade was forced to evacuate.