
"If Poroshenko hears me…". Yanukovych is ready to talk with Putin about exchange of prisoners of war 02/06/2019 16:38:24. Total views 1232. Views today — 0.

Escaped ex-president of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych has stated his readiness to mediate on the exchange of prisoners of war. This was said today at a press conference in Moscow.

"I am ready to take such an initiative, if President Poroshenko hears me, if he has a desire to solve this problem, I am ready to initiate this issue (the exchange of prisoners of war - OstroV). But according to the principle of "all for all", on one occasion, not to divide, not to consider who will change less or more. This is not a market. These are living people", - he said.

Yanukovych expressed his readiness to talk with Russian President Vladimir Putin, if "there is such an initiative on the Ukrainian party".

The escaped ex-president also added that the Minsk agreements should be implemented.

"It is time to stop wagging our tongues and start fulfilling them. There are all conditions for this. Only political will is needed", - Yanukovych noted.

As previously reported, on January 24, Kyiv's Obolonsky district court found Viktor Yanukovych in absentia guilty of high treason, as well as in crimes against peace and complicity with the conduct of war against Ukraine – and sentenced him to 12 and 13 years, but bigger punishment swallowed up the less one.

At the same time, Yanukovych was declared not guilty under Article 110 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (violation of territorial integrity) due to the lack of evidence. At the last court session on the high treason, the ex-president did not get in touch for announcing his last word. His lawyer said that Yanukovych had an operation.

Yanukovych has been hiding in Russia since 2014.