
PGOU opens case against Viktor Medvedchuk on fact of possible high treason and help to aggressor 02/05/2019 17:20:50. Total views 1183. Views today — 0.

The Prosecutor General's Office has opened criminal proceedings on possible high treason and separatism by Viktor Medvedchuk. This was reported on Facebook by spokesperson of the Prosecutor General Larysa Sarhan.

The case was opened on the appeal of people's deputy from the People's Front Andriy Teteruk.

"On February 5, 2019, the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine, at the request of MP Andriy Teteruk, entered the information about the commission of criminal offenses by V.Medvedchuk under Part 1 of Article 110 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and Part 1 of Article 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine into the unified register of pre-trial investigations.  The leader of the pro-Russian organization Ukrainian Choice - People's Right and head of the political council of the party Opposition Platform - For Life Viktor Medvedchuk made a bold statement at the party congress in Kyiv on January 29, 2019, stating the need for creation of the so-called "autonomous Donbas region" with the formation of its own parliament and government and enshrinement of such a status in the Constitution of Ukraine. His plan-concept envisaged the creation of the autonomous region "Donbas" as part of Ukraine. Medvedchuk believes that such agreements on the status of Donbas may be achieved in the quadrangle Kyiv-Donetsk-Luhansk-Moscow", - the report said.

According to Larysa Sarhan, Medvedchuk's actions contain the component elements of the crimes stipulated in Part 1 of Article 110 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, namely: willful actions committed to change the territorial boundaries or national borders of Ukraine in violation of the order provided for in the Constitution of Ukraine, i.e. public calls; as well as in Part 1 of Article 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - high treason in the form of providing assistance to a foreign state in conducting subversive activities against Ukraine.

"The files of the criminal proceedings will be submitted to the Security Service of Ukraine", - Sarhan reported.