
Denmark wants to initiate introduction of EU sanctions against Russia because of aggression in Sea of Azov 01/29/2019 16:32:10. Total views 816. Views today — 0.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark Anders Samuelsen has condemned the shelling and hijacking of Ukrainian ships by the FSB officers in the Kerch Strait. RBC-Ukraine reports about it, referring to the press service of the MFA of Denmark.

Samuelsen told that this week, he would meet with his colleagues from the EU at an informal meeting of the EU foreign ministers in Bucharest, where he would raise the issue of imposing sanctions against Russia, if Ukrainian sailors are not released.

"The EU needs to react to Russia's aggressive behavior. If Russia does not want to release the sailors, I will take the initiative to introduce new EU sanctions", - Samuelsen stated.

As previously reported, the European Union expects Russia to immediately release Ukrainian sailors detained in the Kerch Strait area. At the NATO-Russia Council, the allies of the North Atlantic Alliance called on the Russian Federation to release the Ukrainian sailors, illegally detained in the Kerch Strait.

On January 25, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe voted for the annual report of the Monitoring Committee of the Assembly, in which it condemned the lack of progress on the issue of release of Ukrainians, illegally detained in Russia. Prior to this, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adopted the Ukrainian resolution on Azov.