
Ukraine to ask for shut-down of Bosphorus for Russians - Navy Commander 11/29/2018 14:05:38. Total views 1030. Views today — 1.

Ukraine will appeal to the international community with a proposal to close the Bosphorus Strait in connection with seizure of Ukrainian ships and sailors by the Russian military after an attack in the Kerch Strait. Ukraine Navy Commander Ihor Voronchenko said this during his speech at the 2nd International Conference on Maritime Security, - UNIAN reports.

"I'd like to stress an important thing regarding further actions in connection with the incident. As Commander of the Naval Forces, I'm asking the world community and expressing confidence that they finally make a decision and recognize that there was an act of aggression against the state of Ukraine", - Voronchenko stated.

"In this regard, and the Montreux Convention norms, namely, the 19th paragraph, we will try to ask Turkey to close down the Bosphorus Strait so that the Russians see consequences of violating the norms of international law", - the Navy Commander stressed.

He recalled that Ukraine is now protecting the Western world, not only itself.