
Monday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 10/30/2018 11:00:00. Total views 1165. Views today — 0.

On October 29, Russian occupation forces fired at defensive fortifications of the Joint Forces 7 times, - the JFO headquarters reports. The enemy provided aimed fire from grenade launchers of various systems, large-caliber machine guns and small arms. The greatest activity of the enemy was recorded near Lebedynske, where the militants carried out two shelling. In general, observers of the Joint Forces recorded enemy fire in the areas of Verkhnyotoretske, Krasnohorivka, Pisky, Chermalyk, Vodiane and Lebedynske settlements.

Ranking members of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and special groups of the "Great Don Army" arrive in the occupied Donbass on the eve of pseudo-elections. This is reported by the General Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine. "Given the failure of campaign of the so-called conscription of population of the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts to the military service, the command of Russian occupation forces recruits personnel to the units of formations and parts of the 1 and 2 Army Corps of the Russian Armed Forces at the expense of personnel of the Russian Armed Forces arriving from the territory of Russia and special groups of the so-called "Great Don Army", - the statement said.

Capsule with the message of youth of the 70s of the last century to "Komsomol members" of future generations, walled up in 1971 on the Lenin Square in Donetsk, disappeared without a trace. This became known when an attempt to solemnly extract it was made on the day of the centenary anniversary of formation of the defunct All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, - separatist media report.

An unknown person attacked a 22-year-old girl on Lineva Street in occupied Luhansk with a knife, - "Sverdlovsk - you should know this" group writes on social network. "Friends, I do not want to add pressure, but some bastard cripples and cuts women in Luhansk… The scum beat a girl born in 1996 and stabbed her face - cut her cheek. The bastard get $6…", - the statement said.

74 babies were born in Donetsk from October 22 to 29: 39 boys and 35 girls. This was reported by the city occupation administration.

41 children were born in Luhansk from October 22 to 28: 19 boys and 22 girls. This was reported by the city occupation administration.